Doreen Manuel

Doreen Manuel, the sixth child of George and Marceline Manuel, is of Secwepemc and Ktunuxa ancestry. Doreen has been tanning hides and creating leatherwork and beadwork for 38 years. Traditionally trained by her Ktunaxa grandmother Mary Paul and mother Marceline Manuel, Doreen enjoys taking on exciting, challenging projects. Lately she has been beading solid beaded converse running shoes with her intricate designs. Doreen has evolved into an exceptional artist and continues to learn and experiment while she trains her children in traditional First Nations art. Doreen was awarded a grant in Idaho to teach her artwork and she continues to share her knowledge with a variety of groups. For the past 32 years Doreen has been teaching young people to make regalia. Some of Doreen’s film experience includes 2nd unit videography producer on The Lynching of Louie Sam, episodic director on Creative Native, and Producer/Director of From the Heart. She is currently the Coordinator in the Indigenous Independent Digital Filmmaking department at Capilano College and the Canadian Correspondent for KVOS Northwest Indian News.